Charlotte Nursing Faculty Member Delights in Watching Future Nurses Grow

Name: Sandra Blake

Title/Department/Campus: Practical Nursing Faculty/Charlotte, North Carolina

Education: LPN Diploma, Diploma in Nursing, BS in Health Arts, BSN in Nursing, and Masters in Nursing Education

Started at ECPI University: April 2006

What did you do prior to joining ECPI University? I taught nursing at Baptist Medical Center in Little Rock, Arkansas where I was also a staff nurse in the operating room, shift supervisor, department manager, and then educator for the hospital-based school. I retired from Baptist after 25 years and moved to Charlotte to be close to my kids.

Most Rewarding Professional Experience: Watching nursing students achieve their goals by passing the NCLEX and becoming a nurse. It excites me to see their “lights” go off when they understand a concept for the first time and they start to put things together. Also, it’s so gratifying to meet their families and kids for the first time at pinning ceremonies and look at their faces, knowing that they are so proud of what their loved one has accomplished.[Tweet “It excites me to see their “lights” go off when they understand a concept for the first time and they start to put things together.”]

Most Rewarding Personal Experience: Becoming a nurse, watching my grandson grow up and become a Marine, and educating the next generation of nurses.

Greatest Accomplishment: Influencing other to have the same kind of passion that I do for the profession of nursing.

Favorite Book: Gone With the Wind…and the movie too.

Biggest Pet Peeve: Students not caring enough to study hard to achieve their goals. Watching nursing faculty put in a lot of time and effort to help students and the students always having an excuse for why they did not do their assignment or study. I want students to realize that learning to be a nurse is hard work and that they will be responsible for a human being one day and take that responsibility seriously.

Hobbies: Golf, watching football, and being outdoors as much as possible.

Favorite Food: Anything that has chocolate.

My Most Treasured Possession: A quilt that my grandmother made more than 90 years ago.

A Talent I Wish I Had: Playing the piano and being better at golf.

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