Cybersecurity Career Takes off Thanks to Flexible Scheduling

For some people, finding the right career can be a bit of struggle. Not for Alexander Basta. He’s been laser focused from an early age. In fact, he had long planned on attending ECPI University. It’s where his father enrolled after leaving the Navy, and, following graduation, went on to a successful IT career.

In high school, Alexander attended Virginia Beach’s Advanced Technology Center. He excelled, and before receiving his high school diploma, he earned two professional certifications, Security+ and A+. He then enrolled at ECPI University’s Virginia Beach campus, starting with day classes. Then, just like that, his career began to take off.

He then enrolled at ECPI University’s Virginia Beach campus, starting with day classes. Then, just like that, his career began to take off. Share on X

Because he had those professional certifications, Alexander was offered a job on the help desk at Hewlett-Packard, so he switched to night classes. As his responsibilities grew, he switched again, to a hybrid schedule, attending classes on campus and online. After that, he was offered a position as a systems administrator at Langley Air Force Base in Hampton, Virginia. Once again, ECPI University was able to accommodate his busy schedule. He completed his degree online and earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Science with a concentration in Cyber and Network Security in just 2.5 years.

“I am so glad I went to ECPI University,” says Alexander. “The teachers were great and my career services advisor was so helpful in helping me get that first job.” Share on X

Alexander is now a lead system core administrator at Oceana Naval Air Station in Virginia Beach. There, he manages systems and networks, builds servers, and hardens networks. “I am so glad I went to ECPI University,” says Alexander. “The teachers were great and my career services advisor was so helpful in helping me get that first job.”

At just 23 years old, Alexander says he has found a lucrative career path as a government contract worker, always searching for a new, more challenging – and higher paying – opportunity. He is also preparing to begin work on his master’s degree and plans on earning his Ph.D. not long after.

ECPI University:
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