ECPI University President Celebrates Student Success

ECPI University has always been particularly proud of our students and graduates. Still, there are times when something occurs that reinforces everything we do, exceeds our expectations, and shows us that there is something special about our adult learners. Recently this happened with the performance of our Cyber Defense Teams.

Earlier this summer, the Cyber team from the Columbia, South Carolina campus was barely edged out for the national WICKED 6 title in Las Vegas. The team was competing against 25 traditional universities including Stanford, the University of California, the University of Nevada, the University of Central Florida, and the University of Colorado. Surprising all the tournament and the big schools, the Columbia team came in second place. What’s more, the ECPI University team was comprised of adult learners like you, who managed to excel while leading very full lives involving work and family. Like so many of their fellow classmates, they find a way to make it work and are successful. After the competition was over, the benefits continued to follow team members as the experience translated into better opportunities and better job offers.

The fact is, such levels of success can be seen throughout all of our campuses. ECPI University is about student success. We want our students to pursue excellence for themselves and those around them. In this edition of eConnect, you will see many examples of this philosophy. It’s woven into everything we do.


Mark Dreyfus

ECPI University:
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