ECPI University’s Go-to for Cybersecurity Expert Interviews

Virginia Beach CIS Program Director Scott Gibson has been one of ECPI University’s go-to faculty members for cyber technology since he was hired in 2013.

A former systems administrator for the Naval Recruiting District of Pittsburgh, Gibson is uniquely qualified to teach cybersecurity not only for his industry knowledge and experience, but also his education. He’s currently working on his D.Sc in Cyber Defense.

This summer, an onslaught of emerging cybersecurity threats and crimes caught the eye of Hampton Roads reporters looking for a local expert to explain complex issues to viewers. Producers found that in Scott, who was interviewed four times in six weeks about GoFundMe scams, how gas pumps are hacked, and the rise in the misuse of key fob technology. 

So why is it important to stay up to date with cybersecurity issues in the news? “Technology is always advancing, and as it advances, we need to be diligent in our abilities to keep up with it, security wise,” he said.

According to Scott, it’s important to stay on top of new technology and make sure students in today’s universities have practical hands-on training. “Theory only applies to foundational information. Technology moves too quickly for theory alone,” he said.

What are some things everyday people can do to stay cyber safe? “When not using technologies like Bluetooth turn it off. Change the default settings in devices like ISP Routers/Switches, and do not use unknown, unprotected WIFI like in airports, coffee shops, and libraries,” said Scott.

Great advice from a great cybersecurity instructor.

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