New Club Helps Members Get Fit, Interact, and Reinforce Business Principles
By Alvin Fowlkes, Business Faculty – Richmond/Innsbrook Campus

The pandemic roared into the United States like a hurricane. All the sudden, we were all forced to deal with an invisible adversary and told to stay home for our own safety. Like most people, I was a bit nervous, concerned not only about my own health, but also for the well-being of my students. It was hard not seeing them face-to-face, nor could I do the things I really enjoy like going to the gym. That’s when I decided to redefine my everyday activities and start taking better care of my health at home.
I began doing body weight exercises and jumping rope four to five times a week while also changing my eating habits. In a month, I lost 12 pounds. I felt so good about my accomplishment that I wanted to share my success with the people I care about. Who better for that than my students?
“Exercise is a great way to not only stimulate muscles, but also stimulate brain function and good mental health. We have found that this group is not only physically healthier, but also more mentally and emotionally sound.”
After talking with some of them, we decided to start a jump rope club, the idea being to get in better shape, but also create some socially-distant, yet meaningful interaction while relating exercise and good health to the tried and true business concepts that we talk about in class. The idea quickly caught on and we soon found ourselves trying to decide on a name for this new group. A student named Chad Chabot suggested the name Busibody, a play on words combining “business” with “body” with a dual purpose of learning about business while also keeping our bodies and minds in shape. Zach Mays immediately went to work on a logo for the group and a great idea went from concept to fruition. Bu$iBody was born.
Bu$iBody meets on Fridays in the morning for one hour. We begin by talking about a business principle and relate that to our everyday lives. During our first meeting, we talked about Change Management as a business concept and how we can correlate change with getting fit. After our discussion, we engage in a physical activity to get our heart rates up and our blood pumping. We have taken brisk walks, ran, lifted weights, gone through circuit training and stamina drills, and worked out with a certified personal trainer to help us develop good form and technique, all while practicing social distancing and being vigilant in our efforts to stay healthy.
Students have even come up with exercise routines and circuits to challenge the group. It has been nothing short of an amazing and fulfilling experience. Exercise is a great way to not only stimulate muscles, but also stimulate brain function and good mental health. We have found that this group is not only physically healthier, but also more mentally and emotionally sound. Participants have lost weight, increased their agility and stamina, improved their coordination and endurance, while also reinforcing their knowledge of business principles that they have learned and discussed in the classroom. This has been one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done.
Bu$iBody is open to anyone that wants to participate, including students from other majors, faculty, and staff. Our health is our wealth, and who better to encourage building wealth than our business students and the LAUNCH Business Resource Center? Let’s get BU$Y!
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