Focus on Faculty

Name: Christina Rosa

Title/Department/Campus: Surgical Technology Instructor, Northern Virginia

Education: ECPI University

Joined ECPI University: November 2019

What did you do prior to ECPI University? I worked at John Hopkins Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, DC for about four years as a Certified Surgical Technologist.

Most Rewarding Professional Experience: I gained great experience working at Sibley. It was rewarding being part of a fantastic medical system and working with phenomenal doctors.

Greatest Accomplishment: Definitely completing my education at ECPI University because it set me up with this amazing career as a surgical technologist and now as an instructor. I truly love preparing my students for their journey as surgical technologists and sharing with them the knowledge I have learned over the years.

Favorite Book: The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

Biggest Pet Peeve: Lateness. I strongly dislike it when my friends are late. I am always early.

Hobbies: I enjoy reading, drawing, and trying out new recipes I find on the internet.

Favorite Food: My favorite food and, in my opinion, the best food is any kind of Puerto Rican dish. My favorite is rice with pigeon peas and roast pork.

My Most Treasured Possession: My Passport. I love to travel and hope to do more trips in the future.

A Talent I Wish I Had: I wish I was better at dancing salsa. My mom taught me, but I never practiced it enough and when I do dance salsa, I’m sure I look quite rusty.

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